Borgia Infami Officially in the Books!
BBoorrggiiaa IInnffaammii OOffffiicciiaallllyy iinn tthhee BBooookkss!!

Borgia Infami Officially in the Books!

Last weekend marked the open and close of the Two- Day World Premiere of Borgia Infami by Harold Blumenfeld. Performed at Washington University’s Edison Theater, Borgia Infami was full of drama and dark deeds committed by the infamous Borgia clan, specifically Rodrigo, who later became the brilliant and corrupt Pope Alexander VI; his son Cesare, whose ruthless pursuit of power is immortalized in Macchiavelli’s writings;  and especially Rodrigo’s daughter Lucrezia, alleged poisoner of the family’s enemies. 

Click the HERE to read a review of the performance by Steve Callahan, Broadwayworld

Photos by Wylde Brothers Photography


Museum Tour patrons hear of the Borgia family history: John Kaneklides, Leann Schuering, Karen Kanakis, and Victoria Menke


Jacob Lassetter as Rodrigo, Pope Alexander VI


Savonarola burning at the stake


Lindsey Anderson as Lucrezia Borgia & Andrew Potter as Cesare Borgia


Zach Devin as Andrea, John Kanekildes as Narcisio, & Lindsey Anderson as Lucrezia



Robert McNichols as Oloferno, Jason Mallory as Jeppo, Zach Devin as Andrea, & Joel Rogier as Ascano





“Sanctioned, chosen, the select of God.”