Dear Winter Opera friends and family,
Winter Opera St. Louis is thrilled to announce a fall $25,000 match generously donated by Mary Pillsbury. Our fall match will go through September 30, 2020 and Mary Pillsbury will match up to $25,000 of the donated funds. Canceling our gala and postponing our first opera until early 2021 will greatly reduce our revenue for operating costs and planning our 14th season. With your help, these donations will assist us navigating through these unprecedented times of uncertainty. We hope you consider giving towards our match as we need you now more than ever.
We are hosting a fall concert series in lieu of postponing our season. Our hopes are to engage with our patrons and bring some much needed live music to our community. This will be brought to life in our new home at the Kirkwood Performing Arts Center. These small, controlled events will be performed in a safe atmosphere, with plenty of social distancing in the two-floor lobby of this state of the art facility. We plan to have Winter Opera Artists perform with keyboard for an hour concert of your listening pleasure. Take a tour of the new facility before or after the concert, enjoy a glass of wine in a new atmosphere, and support Winter Opera St. Louis.
Additionally, we are still planning to host our Holidays on The Hill dinners. We will be offering three nights of this event, to help maintain social distancing and ensure the safety of everyone attending each evening. Hosted at Dominic’s on The Hill, we invite you to join us as we usher in the holiday season with a four-course dinner and concert provided by Winter Opera Artists.
Although we have postponed our season, bringing performances that warm the soul to our St. Louis audiences is our mission. Stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you for your support.

Gina Galati
General Director
Winter Opera Saint Louis