Winter Opera St Louis
TThhee GGoonnddoolliieerrss

The Gondoliers

Marco & Giuseppe, the most favored of all the gondoliers, are celebrating their new marriages when they learn that one of them is actually the King of Barataria, but it is unknown which one. Their new wives are delighted to learn on of them will be queen. All are quickly case into despair when they learn that the King was married as a baby to someone else! Who is the true King and will he have his happily-ever-after?

Known for its virtuosic yet melodious music and a beautiful story that blends moments of comedy with heart-warming affection, this opera continues to please audiences around the world.

Sung in English with English supertitles.

Saturday, January 15th 2022 at 7:30pm
Sunday, January 16th 2022 at 2pm

Kirkwood Performing Arts Center
210 E. Monroe Avenue Kirkwood, Missouri 63122

Tickets are non-refundable.
All proceeds to benefit Winter Opera’s Fifteenth Season.

To purchase tickets visit or
call 314-865-0038 Monday-Friday 10am-4pm!

Winter Opera St. Louis is committed to the safety and health of all who work or attend our performances. As such, we are proud to be Missouri ArtSafe Certified. Please visit the Missouri ArtSafe webpage for more.